
Who are Medical Installations Group (MIG Qatar)

A member of Dawodia Capital owned by HE Shaikh Khalid Bin Hamad Abdulla Al-Thani, Medical Installations Group (MIG Qatar) is a licensed medical company that distributes medical devices, technology, furniture, pharmaceuticals, supplements and more.

Working closely with global partners, our aim is to improve access to healthcare and deliver the best health outcomes for the people of Qatar.

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Access to the Market

Global access to the Qatari market is managed and supervised by Dr Eltoum, with support from MIG head office in the UK.

Global healthcare companies can benefit from access to a strong network of regulators and customers in Qatar, plus a full suite of marketing and commercial services on offer to our partners. MIG Qatar provides a risk-free approach based on net prices.

Our Services

Wholesale distributor and suppliers of regulated drugs and medication to the Qatari medical market.
Providers of medical supplies required in hospitals, healthcare facilities and testing laboratories.
Medical Equipment
Supply, import, and distribution of medical equipment that is manufactured to the highest global standards.
Distributors of an extensive range of clinical skin products, cleansers, and topical treatments.
Experts in overseas medical gas pipelines, clinical environment fit-outs and turnkey healthcare projects.